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Gold Dust Days 2024 Miner (3) (1)_edited.jpg

Cart Specifications

  • Minimum Height: 36” from the ground to the highest point on the main cart bucket

  • Maximum Width- 50” wide. Overall width includes handles for pushing

  • Maximum Length 5 feet

  • A minimum of 4 wheels – any style

  • Brakes are optional

  • Carts may be built of any material

  • Carts may not have a motor - and must be pushed or pulled by hand by two crew members- with one member in the cart.

  • Carts may have a logo, company, or personal names painted on the sides, top, or inside, but they are NOT required. There is a prize for the best looking -people’s choice award, so be sure to decorate

  • Each cart team should have a catchy name.

  • If it is deemed that any cart is unsafe or out of specification, it will be disqualified by the judges.


Crew Specifications

  • A crew shall consist of a minimum of 3 members- a maximum of 5 - two pushers, a rider, and/or two alternates - all of whom should be of basic humanoid ancestry. The rider must have a helmet; bicycle style is okay.

  • No dogs or other animals are allowed.

  • All crew members must be over 13- those under the age of 18 must have a signed parent waiver.

  • All crew members must sign a waiver at check-in to compete.


Race Format

The races are on Saturday afternoon from 3-6. Two Miners carts race at a time in a double elimination format. Races begin every 20 minutes at approximately 3 PM until all Miner's Carts have raced.  

Race Rules

  • All Miners Carts and crew must be ready to check in starting at 1:00 on Saturday.

  • Miners Cart racing teams will consist of 1 driver/rider and two pushers

  • Miner carts must be pushed or pulled by human power only

  • Miner carts must be kept in The Pits while not racing

  • At the starting line, no portion of the miner cart may extend over the line. It will be the judges' determination as to a restart.

  • Miners Cart teams must always maintain control of their Miners Cart during the race.

  • Miner carts must remain in their designated lane during the entire race. If a Miners cart crosses into a competitor's lane and, in the opinion of the judges, interferes with that competitor's Miners cart's ability to race, the offending Miners Cart will be disqualified for that heat.

  • All Miners will be supplied a bucket for the Gold Dig and two claim flags.

  • Avoid the boulders as you race to your dig site. The cart rider Miner needs to drop your claim flags (2)  from the cart into the claim buckets on the way to the Dig at the "Sand Bar" and pull the claim on the way back to the “Supply Depot.” –The two running Miners must dig for gold in the "Sand Bar"- no throwing the sand or rocks. Each team needs to locate six “gold nuggets” in the sand bank and put them in your bucket to return to the “Supply Depot” and race the miner's cart back to the Supply Depot- be sure to grab your claim flags on the way back –Gold Nuggets must be returned to the “supply depot.”

  • The first Miners Cart to reach the finish line at the Supply Depot after completing the tasks with any part of the Miners Cart wins. The part must be intact with the main Miners Cart, and the judges will determine the winner.

In case of a tie or photo finish, the race will be re-run and determined by judges.


  • Big Nugget

  • Fool’s Gold

  • It was a blast

  • People's Choice for Best Miners Cart


The entry fee is $25 for each Miners Cart entered

Teams may enter as many Miner's Carts as they desire

First come, first number, and best positions in The Pits


  • Saturday 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

• All team members need to have signed the waiver to compete

• All Miner's Carts must be checked in NO LATER than 2:30 to compete


  • Races are from 3 PM – 6 PM

  • All race times will be approximate.

  • Each race has a 20-minute time frame to allow for                                                                                  set-up and preparation.

  • Remember this is for Fun! 

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Miners Cart Race Registration
  • All participants must maintain a courteous attitude towards event officials, other participants, and attendees. Aggressive behavior, profanity, or actions that may cause animosity toward others will not be permitted.

  • All participants must agree to comply with the rules, regulations, policies, and conditions set forth by the Gold Dust Days Work Group, Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce, the City of Gold Bar, Snohomish County Sheriff Department, and Snohomish County Fire District #26.

  • Anyone who fails to comply with the rules mentioned above, regulations, policies, and conditions set forth or fails to cooperate with event coordinators and/or local law enforcement will be removed from the event by Gold Dust Days Security or law enforcement officers. Participants ejected from the event for any reason will not be given a refund.

  • By participating in any Gold Dust Days activities, all participants agree to hold harmless the Gold Dust Days Vendor Work Group, all Gold Dust Days sponsors, the Sultan School District #311, the Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce, the City of Gold Bar, the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department, Snohomish County Fire District #26 (including all officers, employees, and agents for the agencies as mentioned above), from any injury or loss/damage to any persons or property. Participants also agree to hold said agencies and the City harmless from any claims for such damage. All their respective officers, employees, agent representatives, successors, and assignees shall be held harmless and otherwise indemnified from such risk, claim, action, or damage arising from participation. This disclaimer and hold harmless agreement are binding upon participants' agents, representatives, heirs, and assignees.

  • The parent or guardian must sign the release if the participant is a minor.

  • All team members must sign a release form during check-in.

Thanks for registering. See you there!

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